Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quote of the month

As I posted before, I am attempting to be more positive about my experiences on and off the bike for now on. In my attempt, I discovered my quote of the month. Here it is: "If you continue to work hard and don't get discouraged, even when it doesn't seem like it's going your way..........that's when good things happen."
That's the quote and I pretty much feel like that is what is going on. I had some testing done yesterday with my new bike fit. Without giving away too many secrets or anything, I'll just say things are getting way better and leave it like that. 5 rides into my new bike fit and nothing hurts, actually I've been training harder than ever and things oddly enough hurt less. Hmmm, things really don't make sense sometimes but I'll go with. That's the plan go with the flow and keep positive as the National championships are only less than two weeks away. Starting with the crit, which Derrick and I will both do on the 30th and then my road race on the following Saturday and Derricks' on Sunday.

Derrick is back from Beauce and he finished the tour having a pretty stellar last day. I'm sure he will put up some closing thoughts on the stage race later this week. I'm really proud of him, and also really glad to have him home. Even though he was only gone for a week, I still missed him very much. Our backgrounds in training are complete opposites and when you take my motivation and dedication and put it with his craziness to go harder and harder and dig a little deeper you get some great results. Honestly, I think if you fused Derrick and I together it would be one scary athlete. Bet our parents can't wait until we have kids!

What else is new....broke my SRM head unit yesterday. Just going with the flow, didn't even really get mad. I actually didn't break it, the computer just went off for some odd reason. It froze up, not really sure why. The guys at SRM said they haven't really had any cases like that before, leave it for me to be the first. When I spoke to them yesterday, I said I can't be left with out my power for more than a few days, so they agreed to send me another unit if I paid (which will be reimbursed) while they fix mine. At first I felt like saying, "do you know who I am", but I thought that wouldn't get me very far cause I don't really know if I am really anyone. All well, it would of been funny if I said it. I did ask the guy if he knew Matt Pacocha, and said he was the only one I knew from Colorado (he writes for velo news and we stayed at the same house when we went to Belgium last Christmas for cyclo cross). Anyways, he didn't know him in person, but knew of him, so that didn't really get me anywhere.

Okay, enough rambling, I got to go ride my bike. Positive thoughts, keep all that positive energy flowing. haha

Oh yeah, the above picture is Derrick at the start of last O-cup race in Milford. I think he thought he was zoolander or something.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you can't get your SRM to work (if they return it busted), I'll take a chance at fixing it!
Damn, those things are like 800 bucks (from the price tag I have seen).
Can't be nothing more than a simple DSP in that thing crunching simple numbers.
But, really... if you can't get it fixed email me:

I have a wack of electronic gizmo's to debug that stuff.
(plus I'd like to see what the heck they have inside that thing. Damn , for 800 bucks I can get a quad processor now a days!)