Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Update from the 3390

The 3390 is postal code of where we are here in Tielt-Winge. It's kind of like 90210, except cold...and no palm trees...and no Dylan. Also, instead of nice cars everywhere, there are cycling shorts, jerseys, gloves, socks, underwear hung all over the house as there are 9-11 people, one laundry machine, no dryer and lots of mud. Although I am proud to say that we did get some sunshine today...so that was a nice suprise. I went for a nice 4 hour + ride today as when you're racing, you just feel like you don't ride a whole lot. Mainly cause although the races are so intense, I kinda forget about them the next day. It must have something to do with the primal brain not wanting to remember pain or something.

Our accomodations here arn't "luxurious" by any means. I don't know if it just doesn't really phase me cause a) I'm a guy b) this place is comparable to my place in college c) I'm a guy and I don't care that there are 50 pieces of laundry hanging in our bedroom. Seriously, who cares, really. Ok maybe I would like it if there was a little hot water for showers, but for what we are paying to stay here, it's not bad, the people around us are great, it's home for now and it's Belgium, so we didn't expect to have rose petals thrown at our feet.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the riding in Belgium. You ride for ever and you end up 20 minutes from home. No matter what I do, I end up 20 minutes away from home . It's crazy.
There's always something happening, never going in a straight line for more than a few hundred meters. Around here as well there are a few escarpments and it's possible to climb them from 20 different directions, swear to God. The other thing is, tons of people riding...but never fast.
Maybe it's all base for them right now... or they are secret computrainer junkies like us.

I'd say we are getting ready for the World Cup Friday, but that's not really true. We got ready for that months ago if you know what I mean. We will most likely go ride it Christmas day, that will be our excitement.


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