Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For my Friends...

I know lately our, well my posts have not really been bout cycling or the blog had been more of a diary than anything...sorry if it's been a little boring, but I have something to say today.

So I talked a really good Friend of mine yesterday. He has recently been trough some crazy times. I won't go into all the details, but after giving birth to their new son his wife mysteriously picked up a Staph infection that put her in the ICU where she was on ventilaor and let's say anything that could have went wrong went wrong...all those 1% chances all those "there's a small chance of "x" happening" happened. His journey alongside his wife is remarkable, he sat by her side while their newborn son had to stay with his brother 1000km away as she was sent in chopper to a an intensive care unit across the province.

You know, my heart goes out to him...I had no idea, that all this had happened.

I have given this some thought and this year when things are hard and I am tiered, I will think of my Friend, and his wife on how she fought for her life, on how he stayed awake 26 hours at a time sleeping only 2 hours a day.
I will think of them, I will dedicate my perseverance to them.
When I want to give up , I will push harder...I will feel pain until I have nothing left and I will push myself past my limits, when my feet feel like they will bleed I will push harder, when my legs feel like they can no longer turn I push until the muscle want to shear from the bone and they will be my inspiration in achieving my goals and I hereby dedicate myself to be the best I can be for my Friend Dan and his Wife Nathalie.

So when you see the fire in my eyes, know that I am prepared to crush myself, cause it can not be even close to the pain they have felt.


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