Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cycling Logic

So we've been up in Ottawa hanging out at my Dad's house, working a little bit, running and once Tasha meticulously places her seat a la Eddy Merckx, tape measure in hand we'll be off for a Cross ride. Funny that i can ride almost 300km in a day and think nothing of it, but then do a 30 minute jog and whoa...really feel where those muscles are attached to the ass bone.

Tuesday nights NRC training crit was pretty cool, short course, the turns come at you so fast. Tasha even covered some attacks at the start, it was awesome to see her ride like that, just like one of the guys, except sexy and does not reek of sweat. I was able to ride through some pretty severe pain as I just wanted to push through the pain and I was able to bring an intensity that I often lack during training races, but I sure found it...boy oh boy.

Anyways I picked up some Francesco's coffee from Greg at Cyclelogik...we did a medium grind of the Mexican Blend for the bodum at my dad's house. He uses Folgers so you know that I had to make him a good cup, I think he's hooked.

OK, Corss time.

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