Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OBC launches the "Help Support Derrick and Natasha Event"

In keeping with the name of our blog, we now have an equally challenging title of a Cross race named to help support our endeavours to Europe! Bob and Ian , the organizers of the local series, are letting us make some small tweaking to the final OBC course and allowing us to put up a box for donations from local racers for our campaign to Europe.

If you want to read about it follow the links below. Click our names.

Just a little bit about day 2 in the Hamptons. Tasha didn't race well. I know that's not very nice to say, bu after seeing what she did on day 1, we were both a little disappointed about her ride. I made the mistake of telling her directly after her race, but it didn't matter, she knew what mistakes she made. Realistically if you race every frigin weekend, you're not always going to be 100%. You get tiered, you make bad decisions. She did a lot of work to catch the leaders in the race on day 2, and tactically made some errors. This blog and our lives aren't all rose petals, incense and vanilla scented candles, sometimes we stink. Don't get all crazy and say we should be good to each other, cause we are. But sometimes we need to tell each other the truth, cause the honesty is the hard the part sometimes.

Honestly Saturday's race, I don't know how the hell Ryan Trebon was 4 minutes ahead, I mean I have no excuses, I had a great start, I went hard, I rode technically better than ever, I was into it, I had great legs...I just don't think I could go very much faster. That's the scary part. When I think how the hell am I going to get 4 minutes faster on this course? But that honesty keeps you grounded in your training and maybe next year I'm 2 minutes faster, which gets me right at the bottom of the podium. You know what I mean, chip away.

So back to Sunday Tasha ended up 7th and I was 12th. I didn't have the same start as the day before and if it wasn't for RT getting a flat on the first lap I would have been a little further back. So when I saw him coming behind me i just thought as soon as he passes me just hang on for dear life. So I managed to hang on for just about a lap...well sort of. But surely enough that ride on the express train helped me close the gap to 3 other riders and I was back in it for a top 10 kind of ride. The funny thing was he railed this one corner so frigging fast I had to break a little, cause I just didn't think you could turn that fast. But it was amazing to feel how fast you actually can go, cause he was going way faster than anyone on the course , moving from 20th position to 3rd. Anyways I was with Troy Wells and David Frattini, Troy crashed and I fell directly on top of him. But it was just kind of funny. Troy dropped back and I thought I had Frattini, cause I was gapping him in the technical sections. He came back onto me on the long pavement drag, I didn't have enough of a gap and I basically gave him a great lead out. I was pretty mad at myself for being the victim of my own stupidity in this scenario. Should have known that this guy packed a fiery sprint.

Anyways, although day 2 was not quite as good as day 1, still a good weekend for us. Tasha said
"I would give up a bad day the second day any time to have the experience of leading the first day for a few laps and really getting to race my race".

So hopefully we will see you guys November 30th at Mooney's Bay for our Cross race in the snow.

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