Saturday, November 15, 2008

NJ GP...briefly

So we drive down to Nj for the GP. We are staying with the Stoeckels family...Sharon, Neal, Benjamin and Jack. Jack is 3 going on four and his favorite sprinter is Cavendish...he loves racing. Neal and Jack got to come to the race and Jack got in trouble for playing in the mud.

Speaking of mud...if you thought that last weekend was muddy...hahah...well 20 degs Celsius and massive downpour this am made for 15 minute laps.

Tasha had a phenomenal start and right behind Katerina and Georgia, it was pretty sweet. She decided to run a few parts I think she could have rode through , but she still put in a solid ride coming 7th, behind Wendy in 5th and Deidre in 6th. So it was a pretty good day on the saddle' or should I say on the spikes? Tasha took a bike at every opportunity so 2 bike changes per lap. We couldn't make it to our number presentation last night as we thought it wise to just relax and pound out a workout on the trainer in Neal and Sharon's garage so we had to find the rego and it was a pain in the ....cause they didn't have my number 10 bib so the guy had to go get a set from his car and I waited and waited and then waited to clean my bike and then waited to cross the course as the fields were so stretched out. Rick "the mike" Meloff took care of Tasha in the pit and also lent her a pair of Dugast mudders to go along with the other pair of mudders we most graciously borrowed from Robbie "oh my god it's blue steel" O and K bomb. Thanks have no idea how much you saved our butts. Swear to god.

I think Ottawa M1 Steve Proulx was really killing it today today as Tash told me he was 7th. I'm pretty sure that's his best at a GP. I like watching Steve ride, he looks oh so Euro, smooth, lanky...but he's a pretty pale looking fella when he races...which I guess is his tell tale Canuk trade mark.
I also saw Marky Mark "and the funky bunch" Boudreau off like a rocket but heard that some dude plowed into him, so not sure what happened.

Mens race. I'm not sure if guys are getting tired, but there were some cranky guys on the line today. As well as a whole lot of body contact in the first couple laps, man I was not ready for that. The guys were just killing it, going out so hard. I knew if I just rode clean I would get a good result. Let me just say I know why people pay the $$ for the the mud the Rhino's are absolutely phenomenal. Funny I knew guys were going to blow sky high today. On this course it was so taxing, I just knew a poor start could actually translate into a descent result. I just ride as much as I good, mostly in the tape, and throttled the mud as best as I could. Tasha got Alex Sanna to pit for me so I took as many clean bikes as I could. Finished 14th, which is actually a good result as this is a C1, so a few more UCI points and a couple dollars.
I'm pretty happy with that as I was 24th? and 37th last I just keep on chipping away.
Cause really I sucked in the mud last week and I think I was actually smooth today...which is surprising and I only bobbled twice.

Ok time to watch Hulk and have some cereal, ciao.

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